I have academic and industry experiences in User Experience Research. I actually have my Ph.D in Technology specialized in visual perceptions, information processing and instructional design for users with and without Attentional Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. I know it's mouthful. Try say it 20 times during presentations!.
I attended Purdue University for my B.S., M.S. AND PH.D (GO BOILERMKAERS!) Believe or not, I was Computer Graphics major, specializing Animation. I did some fun stuff - Check out Something Fun Link. I did well in school. I received good grades, but after finishing my B.S. I didn't feel like I found a career path for myself. I wanted to make something great. I wanted to change how computer graphics are used in technology for various users. These thoughts lead me to a path of User Experience Research. (and of course long years in school).
While I was pursing my degree, I developed and assessed interaction design in instructional technology to fit human interaction (HCI), cognitive psychology and visualization research methods. I mastered the art of analyzing and interpreting quantitative and qualitative data for various research projects as well as writing conference proposals and journal articles in the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). My formal and informal classroom experiences have increased my knowledge as a researcher, educator and expert in the field.. Specializing in the development and assessment of computer graphics and content which are integrated in interaction technology for various end users, including users with disability, lead me to expand my interests and join the National Science Foundation-GK12 program.
Upon graduating I shifted gear to healthcare industry. It was definitely an adjustment but interesting field for those who spent most of her life reading books, writing paper and lived in school. For past couple of years, I was busy learning about the working field outside of the academia. Following the corporate guideline, work with colleagues, managing different projects and mentoring other collegues, I value every single one of them. Now I'm in a position where I consider myself as an expert in software application in healthcare field. My colleagues and managers value my opinion, experiences (at least what they told me, ha!), and finally comfortable in this field. Even though I'm very acquainted with this field, my passion for user experience research is moving forward.
Honestly, I have tried to look for various opportunities outside of healthcare. I had some lucks with interviewing well known companies. It had potential. Some did make an offer and some did not. As I look back and see what I had done since I graduated from the college, I have no regret. BUT I still want to do something more and prosper.
About what you may ask? Share my knowledge and work examples and how we are in desperate need to integrate UX research in Healthcare industry. Every day there are great technologies emerging to assist sick, young, and old. Also there are various software to assist clinicians in taking care of patients, But with numerous enterprise level implementation project I took part of, there was always lack of user experience research. I have witness a little to no research completed. I have not yet to encountered literature to understand the need of customers and how they perceive and interact technology in this field. That's where I would like to bring my 5 cents and provide some of examples I have done in my field.
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